DIY Fundraising – making a difference your way campaigns allow you to support the American Liver Foundation (ALF) in a way that is just as unique and athletic as you! Go ahead, sign up for that local 5K, make the commitment to walk 30 miles in 30 days or push yourself to cycle 50-miles. Whatever you decide, we will be there to provide you with the tips and tools to make sure you are successful.
Commit to the 30 miles in March Challenge! Walk, Run, Bike, Hike or Swim 30 miles in the month of March. The challenge begins on March 1st and lasts until March 31st. There is no fee to join the challenge. Participants who raise $30 by March 31st, will earn a blue ALF branded tote bag.
Click below to get started and join the hundreds who have already chosen their challenge and achieved their fitness goals while creating a better future for the 100 million Americans affected by liver disease.
How it works
- Register – Decide how you want to fundraise for the ALF and then register!
- Personalize – Customize your personal page with your story. Our dedicated staff will reach out and send you all the instructions once you register!
- Share – Spread the word about your fundraiser and ask for support. After you register, you’ll get templates, fundraising resources and more.
Benefits to joining the team:
Fundraising Coaches: Our dedicated staff has helped hundreds of people and is here to help you reach your fundraising goal.
Fundraising Incentives: Raise funds and earn team gear!
- Raise $250 and earn a sport-tech team shirt